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August 17, 2017

Switch Vendor Looks to Unclog Data


Big data and cloud migrations are reshaping the datacenter as more servers are linked and bandwidth capacity joins scaling as essential requirements. Those needs are creating opportunities for network gear vendors as datacenters make the jump to bigger IPv6 pipes to accommodate data-driven applications and broader use of analytics.

Among them is Chinese switch maker H3C Technologies, which is claiming a record for switch performance in recent benchmark testing that sought to replicate real-world datacenter operations. Test conductor Spirent Communications recently conducted what it claimed was the highest density 100-gigabit datacenter-switching test in conjunction with H3C and “moderated” by the independent test lab Network Test.

Spirent and H3C claimed the results of the 100G Ethernet networking trial represent nothing less than a “high-water mark” for datacenter networking. Among the findings was stable (“lossless”) performance for both IPv4 and IPv6 network traffic at most frame rates using a routing protocol and stressful “fully meshed traffic.”

“No task is more important for a datacenter core switch than moving traffic at maximum speed with zero frame loss,” also known as dropped packets, the tester noted.

Read the full story at sister web site

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