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Tag: advanced analytics

Statistica Embraces Python In Bid for ‘Collective Intelligence’

Organizations that use the new release of Dell's Statistica software package can now incorporate separate Python models into their analytic workflows. It's the latest in the computer giant's new open approach to advanced Read more…

More Companies Walking the Big Data Walk

There's a big difference between saying you're going to do something, and actually doing it. That dynamic has been at play in the big data arena for some time now, as evidenced by a lot of talk, but a relatively low leve Read more…

Gartner Sees Analytics Boom as More Data is Shared

Advanced analytics techniques like data and text mining, machine learning and visualization are poised to shake up entire industries as more enterprises leverage proprietary algorithms along with emerging platforms to se Read more…

Hadoop Market is Neck and Neck, Forrester Says

If you're shopping for a Hadoop distribution on which to hang your big data hat, you have your work cut out for you, according to Forrester Research, which found four strong performers in a market it says is neck and nec Read more…

Dell’s Acquisition-Driven Analytic Reformation

Like most $50-billion corporations, Dell relies on a wide mix of applications, databases, and systems to run its various businesses, which range from PC manufacturing and software development to financial services and IT Read more…

Predictive Analytics Now In Reach Of the Average Enterprise, Forrester Says

The average enterprise is better positioned than ever to take advantage of advanced analytic software, says Forrester Research, which put out its annual power rankings for advanced analytic tool vendors last week. "Go Read more…

Rating the Advanced Analytics Vendors

There are several ways you can go about obtaining the advanced analytic capabilities needed to extract insights from large amounts of data. You can outsource the whole thing to a services firm, you can buy pre-built appl Read more…

For Esri, Analytics All About Location, Location, Location

Certain analytic tools excel at manipulating with certain types of data. When it comes to data with a geographic bent, there may be no more influential vendor than Esri, a Southern California company that has quietly gob Read more…

Postal Service Eyes ‘Internet of Postal Things’

The U.S. Postal Service is launching a big data effort dubbed the "Internet of Postal Things" that officials stress will require expertise in data strategy and analytics as well as the workings of the emerging Internet o Read more…

Meshing Advanced Analytics with Hadoop

The rapid maturation of Hadoop is evident not only with the progress of open source Apache projects that drive the core stack, but also with the vendor community that build commercial tools. This week, two advanced analy Read more…
