Tag: Aster
Teradata Climbs Up the Stack with ‘Analytics Platform’ Strategy
Teradata is extending the types of data, algorithms, and frameworks it can store and run in its flagship MPP database as part of the new Teradata Analytics Platform unveiled at its annual user conference today. Shipping Read more…
IoT May Fail Without the Design of Things
Nearly 20 years ago, I recall streaming data off of oil and gas wells in order to measure capacity, reserves, and shrink. For all intents and purposes, data was used used to manually repair a well by humans. What we call Read more…
The Art of Analytics, Or What the Green-Haired People Can Teach Us
It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. But in this big data age, perhaps we should say that a picture is worth 1,000 terabytes. This week Teradata showcased some of the ways that the creatives among us, Read more…
Teradata Puts Aster in Hadoop for IoT Analytics
The Internet of Things (IoT) is simultaneously a colossal data management challenge and the analytic opportunity of a lifetime. Teradata (NYSE: TDC) addressed both of those today with two product announcements, including Read more…
Cloudera Releases Impala Into the Wild
The week, Cloudera announced that Impala, their SQL on Hadoop initiative, is moving out of public beta and into general availability. Datanami spoke with Cloudera to get an overview of the state of Impala, how they see it stacking up in the competitive landscape, and where the space will move in the near future. Read more…