Tag: data science
Future of AI and Open Source in Data Science: Insights from Anaconda’s Latest Report
AI and open source have emerged as essential tools for businesses seeking to enhance efficiency and drive innovation. But, how do two transformative forces intersect and impact the data science community? They surely off Read more…
Meet 2024 BigDATAwire Person to Watch Chisoo Lyons
Women make up 15% to 22% of data science professionals, research from the Boston Consulting Group shows. One of the women who is hoping to increase that number is Chisoo Lyons, the executive director of Women in Data Sci Read more…
Meet 2024 Person to Watch Ilkay Altıntaş
The intersection of data science and HPC is a fruitful juncture, where subtle patterns in data can be teased out using the largest computers in the world. One of the foremost authorities on the subject is Ilkay Altınta� Read more…
Top Three Pitfalls to Avoid When Processing Data with LLMs
It’s a truism of data analytics: when it comes to data, more is generally better. But the explosion of AI-powered large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Gemini (formerly Bard) challenges this conventional Read more…
KNIME Works to Lower Barriers to Big Data Analytics
Big data analytics can be complicated--there’s just no way around that simple fact. But it shouldn’t be more complicated than it needs to be. With recent updates to its data analytics offerings--including a revamped Read more…
KNIME Releases a State of Data Science and Machine Learning Survey
KNIME, a data science company focused on making analytics accessible to all, in collaboration with Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) released a survey on the state of data science and machine learning. ESG is a research, v Read more…
Starburst Brings Dataframes Into Trino Platform
Starburst customers who prefer to manipulate data using dataframes as opposed to regular SQL will be happy with a pair of announcements made today. That includes the introduction of PyStarburst, which provides a PySpark- Read more…
GenAI Is Making Data Science More Accessible, Dataiku Says
Large language models and generative AI are being adopted for all kinds of new and interesting use cases, which we explore daily in these pages. One of the less visible use cases is widening the pool of users who can tap Read more…
DataRobot CEO Sees Success at Junction of Gen AI and ‘Classical AI’
What’s the next generation of enterprise AI going to look like? If you ask DataRobot CEO Debanjan Saha, enterprises will see the most business benefits by combining new generative AI tools and techniques with the class Read more…
The Demand for AI/ML Skills Is Growing
The digital skills gap persists, with a growing number of workers unprepared for the continuing digital transformations of companies around the globe and across business sectors. And right now, the shortage is particular Read more…
The Three Approaches to AI Implementation
There are three approaches to AI implementation emerging: the typical do-it-yourself approach where you do everything yourself that has the highest potential for failure; a services-based approach as highlighted by Lenov Read more…
Meet Micaela Parker, a 2023 Datanami Person to Watch
Micaela Parker founded the Academic Data Science Alliance in 2019 as a way to unite the data science programs at universities around the country. Thanks to in no small part to Parker’s determination as executive direct Read more…
Altair Survey Unpacks the Friction Surrounding AI and Data Projects
Altair has released results from an international survey revealing high rates of adoption and implementation of data and AI strategies. The survey also found that projects stall due to three types of friction: organizati Read more…
Numbers Station Sees Big Potential In Using Foundation Models for Data Wrangling
A startup called Numbers Station is applying the generative power of pre-trained foundation models such as GPT-4 to help with data wrangling. The company, which is based on research conducted at the Stanford AI Lab, has Read more…
UC Berkeley Envisions a Data-driven Future with New College of Computing, Data Science, and Society
The University of California at Berkeley has announced it will establish a new college on its campus for the first time in over 50 years. UC Berkeley’s College of Computing, Data Science, and Society will meet the univ Read more…
Anaconda Bolsters Data Literacy with Moves Into Education
With 35 million active users, Anaconda is among the most widely used data science software packages in the world. Good luck finding a Python-loving data scientist who is not familiar with it. But now the company behind t Read more…
DataRobot Unleashes 9.0 Update and Partner Integrations to Drive AI ROI
DataRobot is capitalizing on the surging popularity of AI with new partner integrations and a significant platform update: DataRobot AI Platform 9.0. DataRobot’s AI platform is designed to cater to both data scienti Read more…
Datanova- the coolest data conference of the year
This event is for those who seek to not just ‘do data’ incrementally better, but differently. For the leaders who want to help their companies become truly data-driven. For the analyst in all of us that seeks sim Read more…