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Tag: fast data

Real-Time Analytics to Conquer the AdTech Data Deluge

AdTech platforms are swimming in data. Managing it isn't cheap. Traditional in-memory databases that offer millisecond latency are great for real-time bidding, but they become insanely expensive when you scale up to bill Read more…

Has Macrometa Cracked the Code for Global, Real-Time Data?

There are plenty of organizations trying to solve one tough problem: How do you combine real-time and historical data in a distributed context, and trust the results of your queries? Plenty of companies have tried to sol Read more…

The Past and Future of HPDA: A Q&A with Steve Conway

Steve Conway, a senior adviser at Hyperion Research, has been watching the big data market evolve and transform for well over 10 years. You will remember that it was Conway, while at IDC, who coined the term “high perf Read more…

Real-Time Streaming for ML Usage Jumps 5X, Study Says

A new survey sponsored by Lightbend found that implementations of real-time stream data processing systems for machine learning and AI applications jumped by 500% over the past two years. It also found that Kafka is almo Read more…

Streamsets Gets $35M for DataOps

StreamSets, which bills itself as the "air traffic control" tasked with preventing collisions from occurring with big data, today announced that it raised $35 million, which it will use to continue building its data oper Read more…

Five Ways to Apply Streaming Analytics Now

Streaming analytics is moving into the mainstream as more enterprises capitalize on the technology to gain greater efficiency, competitiveness, and profitability. And as a result, the streaming analytics market will grow Read more…

Real-Time Data: The Importance of Immediacy in Today’s Digital Economy

Today, we’re creating more data than the word has ever seen before. In fact, 90 percent of the world’s data has been created in the past two years. But more data doesn’t always mean more insight, which is why compa Read more…

GPU Acceleration Advancing the Evolution of Fast and Big Data

With enterprise data warehouses and Hadoop data lakes now well established in the enterprise, organizations are able to store the large amounts of data they are generating, sourcing and curating. Across retail, financial Read more…

The Real-Time Future of ETL

We're on the cusp of a huge uptick in data generation thanks to the IoT, but most of that data will never be landed in a central repository or stored for any length of time. To get a handle on this morass of data, enterp Read more…

Inside Anodot’s Anomaly Detection System for Time-Series Data

Time-series data represents one of the most challenging data types for businesses and data scientists. The data sets are often very big, change continuously, and are time-sensitive by nature. One company that's carving a Read more…

Flink Aims to Simplify Stream Processing

Apache Flink has emerged as a powerful framework for building real-time stream processing applications that has gained traction by some of the most progressive tech companies in the world, including at Netflix, Uber, and Read more…

Kinetica Aims to Broaden Appeal of GPU Computing

Kinetica today unveiled a new iteration of its in-memory, GPU-accelerated database that it says will help to democratize data science and traditional business intelligence by simultaneously running SQL-based queries and Read more…

Fresh Streaming Data: Get It While It’s Hot

Streaming data technology that's been simmering on the backburner for the past few years will be the main entrée at this week's Strata + Hadoop World conference in New York City. There's a profound shift currently un Read more…

Concord Claims 10x Performance Edge on Spark Streaming

Organizations that are looking for a stream processing engine upon which to build fast data applications featuring high-throughput and low-latency may want to check out Concord, a new framework that emerged from the ad-t Read more…

Investments in Fast Data Analytics Surge

Companies are quickly ramping up their investments fast data analytics and real-time stream processing frameworks and lowering spending on batch technologies in an attempt to get on top of growing data volumes and veloci Read more…

Spark Streaming: What Is It and Who’s Using It?

A recent study of over 1,400 Spark users conducted by Databricks, the company founded by the creators of Spark, showed that compared to 2014, 56 percent more Spark users globally ran Spark Streaming applications in 2015. Read more…

Kafka Tops 1 Trillion Messages Per Day at LinkedIn

There is data in motion, and then there is really big data in motion. The folks at LinkedIn gave us a compelling example of the latter today when it announced that it's using the distributed messaging system Kafka to pro Read more…

Five Answers for Finding Bigger Insight from Your [Big] Data

When General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt spoke at a GE users summit late last year on the topic of the Internet of Things, he had something interesting to say: “All companies need to become Internet and software companie Read more…

MapR Delivers Bi-Directional Replication with Distro Refresh

A new release of the MapR Distribution including Hadoop unveiled today will enable companies to perform real-time, bi-directional data replication between Hadoop clusters that are thousands of miles apart. The new table Read more…

VoltDB Reaches Out to Hadoop for Fast Data Analytics

VoltDB has made a name for itself by building a fast in-memory distributed relational database that processes transactions and does some real-time analytics too. With today's launch of VoltDB version 5, the company is sm Read more…
