Tag: unstructured
Datanami Dishes on ‘Big Data’ Predictions for 2014
This space was going to feature a "Top 10 Big Data Predictions for 2014" story. But considering the large number of such stories currently in circulation, a different tact was in order. Instead, you'll find a selection of pertinent predictions from players in the "big data" software industry, followed by Datanami's opinion as to whether it will be spot on or whether the soothsaying will miss the mark. Read more…
How Four Financial Giants Crunch Big Data
When it comes to big data at financial, risk and banking organizations, data size is only a small part of the problem. The real challenge, at least according to information managers at Bank of America, Credit Suisse and others is dealing with data complexity and speeding the time to results. Whether the end goal is focused on making portfolio assessments in.... Read more…
Object Storage and the Unstructured Data Boom
This week we caught up with object storage evangelist, Tom Leyden, to talk about how unstructured data is becoming the prevalent data type at many large and data-driven organizations and how storage needs to evolve to meet these challenges.... Read more…
The Application Angle to Unstructured Data
This week, Tom Leyden from Amplidata broke the interview-as-marketing vehicle mold when he thoughtfully addressed what big data needs he’s hearing about, the shifting nature of applications, and the role of cloud models... Read more…
Digital Reasoning Refreshes Text Analytics
Entity-oriented analytics software company Digital Reasoning, has had a foot in the federal door since its founding, but with a fresh round of Series B funding, is looking to take its big data analytics platform deeper into the enterprise. Read more…
Oracle Rounds Out Retail Appeal with Endeca Buy
This week Oracle announced its intent to bring Endeca into the fold, thereby bolstering their ability to reach big data-aware e-commerce and retail giants. While Oracle has traction in this area already, bringing the ability to manage unstructured data and retailer demands simultaneously makes this buy big news, especially for rivals HP, IBM and SAP. Read more…