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Tag: virtualization

Wrapping our Heads Around CES 2023 and Next Generation Applied AI

CES has evolved from its Consumer Electronics roots to being a far more complex show that is somewhat reminiscent of Comdex. This means that, often, the first appearance of a new technology that will initially or eventua Read more…

The Curious Case of Kubernetes In the Enterprise

The Kubernetes website has a whole section dedicated to case studies and customer success stories. It is full of well-known brands like Adidas, Amadeus, BlackRock,, Box, and many others. Bose is bragging abou Read more…

IBM Stacks Memory Cells to Boost Flash Capacity

All-flash platforms are steadily being used to drive down the cost and infrastructure required to store soaring data volumes as more enterprises shift to hybrid cloud infrastructure. Recent technology advances involving Read more…

Containerized Spark Deployment Pays Dividends

Hadoop has emerged as a general purpose big data operating system that can perform a range of tasks and run all kinds of processing engines. But all that power and flexibility comes with a cost, which is something that o Read more…

New NVMe Spec Emphasizes Data Analytics

The latest release of a non-volatile memory interface and storage protocol emphasizes the enterprise shift to analytics, virtualization and other data-intensive workloads while riding the coat tails of the robust solid-s Read more…

Deploying Hadoop on User Namespace Containers

Hadoop is increasingly moving to the cloud, with the Gartner group reporting that over 50% of companies are considering a cloud only or hybrid cloud solution for Big Data. Altiscale has been offering a high-performance, Read more…

Self-Provision Hadoop in Five Clicks, BlueData Says

Forget the data science--in some organizations, just getting access to a Hadoop cluster is a major obstacle. With today's launch of EPIC, the software virtualization company BlueData says analysts and data scientists can Read more…

Red Hat Deal Gives Hortonworks Enterprise Clout

The strategic partnership that Hortonworks and Red Hat unveiled today is interesting on several fronts. For starters, there are the joint development projects, most notably the connector that allows Hortonworks' Hadoop distribution to talk natively to Red Hat Storage. Beyond that, the partnership with the $10-billion commercial open source software company provides a glimpse of who Hortonworks might want to be when it grows up. Read more…

V is for Big Data Virtualization

You've undoubtedly heard the (tired) definition of big data involving the three "Vs" for volume, variety, and velocity. Now there's a growing movement to associate a fourth V-word with big data sets: virtualization. Read more…

Actian Aims at Being Disruptive in Big Data

Data management company, Actian Corporation, broadened its offering last week with the company completing its acquisition of Pervasive Software. The merger, they claim, is a step towards making Actian a disruptive force in the big data arena. Read more…

Gridstore Files Down Rip and Replace

The traditional model of jettisoning your old system and migrating to a new one in order to scale with your data is no longer necessary, according to storage startup Gridstore. The company recently discussed this traditional mode of addressing outgrowing.... Read more…

CTO Sees Virtualized Big Data as Next Challenge

This week we spoke with David Hughes, CTO at Silver Peak Systems, about the ways that virtualization has reshaped the IT ecosystem--and what it means when we add the problems of big data into that mix. Hughes says that there are.... Read more…
