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February 21, 2023

5 UW-Madison Projects Selected for WARF Accelerator Big Data Challenge

MADISON, Wis., Feb. 21, 2023 — The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation has announced that five projects have been selected to receive development funding through the WARF Accelerator Big Data Challenge Grant.

The grant invited submissions for new technologies focused on processing and handling large amounts of data. From applications in data-driven communications to enhanced imaging software, these projects have high potential to positively impact people throughout Wisconsin and beyond.

Twenty-four competitive research teams representing multiple schools and colleges applied for funding.

The selected projects are led by the following PIs:

  • Kevin Eliceiri (Medical Physics) for a smart compression framework for multidimensional biomedical images
  • Jomol Mathew with Mike Collins and Thomas Callaci (Population Health Sciences) for a scalable, secure platform for use with domain data needed for biomedical research
  • Pedro Morgado (Electrical and Computer Engineering) for a context modeling framework for machine learning using naturally occurring video
  • Aussie Suzuki (Oncology) for deep learning-based software to accurately determine karyotype of cells in basic research and clinical samples
  • Sijia Yang (Journalism & Mass Communications) for building out adaptable and explainable vectionaries to improve data-driven strategic communications

“Turning big data into actionable information is critical to helping organizations identify new opportunities and make informed decisions,” said Erik Iverson, CEO of WARF. “We’re delighted to support UW-Madison innovators rising to the challenge of managing large amounts of data.”

Projects not selected for funding through the Accelerator Challenge Grants may still be connected to other supportive resources within WARF.

About WARF

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) helps steward the cycle of research, discovery, commercialization and investment for the University of Wisconsin–Madison and provides annual support to the university to advance research and innovation.  Founded in 1925 as an independent, nonprofit foundation, WARF manages more than 2,000 patents and an investment portfolio as it funds university research, obtains patents for campus discoveries and licenses inventions to industry. For more information, visit and view WARF’s Cycle of Innovation.

Source: WARF
