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March 6, 2018

AtScale Announces General Availability of AtScale Intelligence Platform 6.5

SAN MATEO, Calif., March 6, 2018 — AtScale, a company that provides enterprises with a universal semantic platform for BI on the Data Lake, announced today the general availability of AtScale Intelligence Platform 6.5.  With this release, customers gain the ability to modernize their Big Data strategy faster by migrating their analytics workloads to any cloud (Amazon, Google, and/or Microsoft) and making any calculations work at unlimited scale on the Data Lake.

“Migrating to Business Intelligence on the Data Lake is possible, but to do it right is hard,” says Mark Stange-Tregear, VP of Analytics at Ebates. “Providing business reporting from the Data Lake requires painful, lengthy report migration, expensive ongoing infrastructure optimization and extensive multi-dimensional modeling exercises… or you can just use AtScale.”

AtScale will be showcasing its solution at this week’s Strata Data Conference (Booth #1420) and the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit (Booth #927).  The top data executives of Toyota and GlaxoSmithKline will be joining the company on stage to share their best practices.

With Big Data comes big opportunities…

AtScale 6.5 is the industry’s first and only platform to bring universal semantic layer capabilities that enable any Business Intelligence tool to work on the Data Lake.  With this new release, enterprises experience faster time to value on any data, benefit from unparalleled cost savings when deploying their analytics to the Cloud, and deliver best-in-class end user experience with BI tools like Tableau, Microsoft Excel, IBM Cognos, Microsoft PowerBI and MicroStrategy.

To find out more, go to

Making BI work on the Data Lake

In this release, AtScale is introducing new functionality that allows enterprises to make BI work on the Data Lake in ways that they haven’t been able to do before:

  • Business Analytics Optimization: With AtScale 6.5, customers can make their existing BI reports and dashboards work on the Data Lake by using the company’s automated modelling capabilities.  Most BI reports and dashboards rely on business logic that’s embedded in personal workbooks and that only access the Data Lake through relational data marts or one-off data extracts.  These solutions were engineered before the Big Data Lake era.  They require data to be moved out of the Data Lake and into the data marts, which introduces complexity, cost time and agility.  While IT manages this data movement pipeline, users are left to work with stale, incomplete data.  With AtScale 6.5, BI users are freed of such limitations.  The new release optimizes the migration of BI reports and dashboards to consolidated and consistent models that promote business logic re-use.  With this approach, data movement is no longer required and all users can rely on one set of universal semantics to query any data, from any BI tool.  This capability allows enterprises to cut down their migration time from weeks to hours and to make business logic that was previously tied to one BI tool, available to all.
  • Sophisticated, Multi-dimensional Analytics At Scale:  With AtScale 6.5, customers can run sophisticated calculations at unprecedented scale.  The economics of the modern Data Lake mean that enterprises can now store all the data they can capture at a very low cost.  However, enterprises encounter two issues when they attempt to analyze this large scale data.  First, they realize that the traditional BI tools they are using, were engineered for smaller datasets.  As a consequence, users are forced to run calculations on a subset of the Data Lake data, rendering large-scale computations, like percentiles, impossible. Modern SQL platforms, which can see all the data, don’t have the semantic capabilities required to run sophisticated queries so users can’t get the results they seek.  With AtScale 6.5, customers get the best of both worlds: sophisticated calculations at unlimited scale. Consider an IoT example whereby a manufacturing company with billions of sensor records needs to analyze its top and bottom 1% of manufacturing errors.  Given the analysis requires that the query be run on the entire dataset and the most recent one, the only way to return correct results is to run the analysis at complete scale, on the freshest data. AtScale 6.5 is the only solution that can perform this analysis at top speed (thanks to its Adaptive Cache™) and without requiring any data movement (thanks to its low-touch architecture).  With version 6.5, AtScale delivers unrivalled percentile estimation capabilities that scale to extreme data sizes so that enterprises no longer need to subset their data nor wait for data to be loaded into a database before it can be analyzed.
  • Security and Data Access Governance: With AtScale 6.5 and “Perspectives,” customers can build a semantic model once and enable various user groups to have different virtual and secured views of the same data.  In order to make data available to the various business units, Enterprise IT groups needed to store data as physical, persistent views to provide secure access for different users.  For instance, if the same data needed to be viewed by Sales and Marketing, IT would typically have to build, materialize, store and maintain two different views of the same data: one for Sales and one for Marketing.  This approach created a lot of work for IT both at initiation time and during the maintenance process.  With AtScale’s “Perspectives,” customers publish an Universal Semantic Layer once and they can run it everywhere, for any BI tool and any user. AtScale’s sophisticated data access and data governance capabilities lets IT organizations enable business users to get the data they are entitled to, across multiple AtScale models, multiple user types, for any tool, everywhere.

To find out more, go to

About AtScale

AtScale makes BI work on Big Data. With AtScale, business users get interactive and multi-dimensional analysis capabilities, directly on Big Data, at maximum speed, using the tools they already know, own and love – from Microsoft Excel to Tableau Software to QlikView. Built by Big Data veterans from Yahoo!, Google and Oracle, AtScale is already enabling the BI on Big Data Revolution at major corporations across healthcare, telecommunications, retail and online industries. To see how AtScale can help your company, go to

Source: AtScale
